
Circumstantial flummery from a would-be spoonbean hustler.

2019 Stock Taking

Every year one of the terrific peeps in one of my writing workshops makes an ambitious list of writing commitments and I’m always compelled to pitch in with my own, but as soon as I start typing it up, just the idea of making resolutions crystallized into a dense, sharp pit of anxiety in my gut. Because obviously, if I don’t tick all those goals by the end of the year, then, of course, I’m an utter failure who has wasted everyone’s time.

But 2019 is looking to be pretty busy with lots of travel, lots of networking and I think I’m gonna have to be a bit more proactive about time and goal management. And since I can’t think of a more non-committal step toward proactivity than undertaking a perfunctory blog list of resolutions, I thought I’d throw down few loose items of ‘Things I’d like to accomplish this year:’

  • Screening Merit Badges to the world-at-large, hopefully, a film festival or two.
  • Getting a new short into the production queue.
  • Writing something fresh, just for funsies.
  • Reviving and rewriting something old because I’m a slacker.
  • Clocking more miles hiking/walking/on-foot than last year, which according to ye olde fitness tracking bug would be 1,758,800 steps. So, attempting to hit +2millie steps in 2019.


Nothing too ambitious there, so I’m content to tackle the year without an additional anxiety attack, due to goal-setting as opposed to the world-at-large.

In other news, I snuck off to DC before the holidays ended and before the Shutdown kneecapped the Smithsonian, so enjoy this snap of the National Air & Space Museum:


Photo of The Spirit of St. Louis at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C., January 2019

The Spirit of St. Louis at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington D.C., January 2019