Mashup Monday
OGs of the interwebs may be familiar with the new mashup trend and I’ve enjoyed a few tracks here or there, the Biggie/Gnarls album was fun and there’s a few really excellent ones out. Way back before pentiums and amdidiums and Ghz’s I used to do a little MOD tracking of my own and have since spent a few minutes here and there staying on the comp-music trends, so I have a soft spot for for this kind of creation and innovation. But now the mashup trend has produced something greater and more awesome than I ever could have expected- Muppet Mashup Mix.
Muppets being of course, the Utopia of my childhood.
Available at Radio Clash thanks to Tim, (show #89). The whole show is fun and a lot of energy- with some random babbling thrown in, but worth it to get to tracks like- Kanye Mahna which is honestly so much awesome. Check it out.
And in time for Halloween- also by DJNoNo (who did the Muppet thing above)– is a Halloween Mashup Mix, which Tim was nice enough to point out “is an album, and is by loads of people, not just DJNoNo who just did one track”. You’ll find it at the link above.